Your ideas, Winona’s future


The City of Winona completed a major update to its Comprehensive Plan from 2021-2024. Please visit the City of Winona website to read the final plan and view all community engagement results.

Engage Winona led public engagement for the project, seeking input from community members to hear what is important to you about the community today and looking 10-20 years into the future. The plan will now serve as a road map for how the city and its elected officials approach decision-making in the coming years.

What we heard: Phase 1 Report

From October-December 2021, Engage Winona heard from over 2,000 community members in Engagement Phase 1! We hosted community conversations, led targeted outreach to stakeholders and underserved populations, launched online survey tools, and hosted a pop-up booth at community gatherings. You can leave anonymous feedback on the report here.

Read the summary report (12 pages)

Read the full report (60 pages!)

Read the appendix: Dreams! (about 20 pages of dreams)

View or download the raw data (xlsx file)

What we heard: Phase 2 Report

In fall 2021, Engage Winona asked over 2,000 folks across Winona to share what they value about Winona, along with their hopes and dreams for Winona’s future. Based on the comments received and input from the Comprehensive Plan Update steering committee, a draft 2045 vision and values statement was created. 

In February 2022, Engage Winona sought additional feedback on the draft from the community with an online survey, and the Comprehensive Plan Update project team created a new draft in March 2022

The vision is a concise, overarching statement of the community’s aspirations for how the city should feel, look, function, and evolve over the next 20 years. The vision reflects the community's core values and provides a foundation upon which to build and evaluate the rest of the comprehensive planning process.

Read the summary report

Read the raw data

What we heard: Phase 3 report

From December 2022-January 2023, all who live, work, and play in Winona were invited to give input on the Interim Report of the City of Winona Comprehensive Plan Update. The purpose of the Interim Report was to provide community members with an update on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan Update, and offer another opportunity for input prior to the creation of the draft plan.

In the engagement report below, you’ll find a summary of the input received. A complete set of raw data is also available with the release of this report, and the Interim Report itself is available to read as well.

Read the engagement report - a summary of all of the comments and data

Raw data from open houses and surveys (xlsx file)

Raw data from online Interim Report comments (xlsx file)

Read the Interim Report with inline comments

Read comments received during 2022, prior to the Interim Report

The Comprehensive Plan Update is an overarching plan that sets specific, achievable goals that the city and community can work toward over the next 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan Update covers 12 topics, including land use, housing, economic development, transportation, downtown, and more.

The Comprehensive Plan Update project is being led by a steering committee of 12 Winona residents appointed by Mayor Scott Sherman, along with city staff and consultants from HKGi and Engage Winona. In addition, more than 100 city residents participated in subcommittees to create the goals and strategies in the Interim Report.